Saturday, January 21, 2012


 Yesterday, we had a snowstorm and of course, the children were excited. They spent time just staring out the window at it. After his nap, Chase looked out his window and watched our neighbor Kyle, my best friend's husband (Catch her blog here) snow blow his driveway for around 10 minutes. I guess that is pretty exciting?

They've also been entertaining themselves by sliding on the treadmill. I don't know where they get these crazy ideas, but these kids are hilarious.

 They even take turns which is even more crazy. I've never heard or seen them fight about it. They just hop on there, slide down to the end, get off, and start all over again.

Something Danette and I have been looking forward to since whenever we found out about it last year was going to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D. This is Danette's favorite Disney princess and one of my favorite as well. It also happens to be one of Olivia's favorite. I'm not sure what order her favorites are anymore but Rapunzel, Belle, and Snow White are her top 3 favorites. Today was the day we were finally able to see it so, of course, we took Olivia. (No, this is not Olivia's first movie. Her first was The Lion King 3D. Anyone seeing a trend here??) Olivia loved it, of course, as did both Danette and I. Beauty and the Beast never gets old and it was AWESOME in 3D. I highly recommend it if you can get there before it closes!

1 comment:

  1. Your kiddos crack me up :) I am amazed that they really sat still for that long just watch shoveling?? lol. Also I'm diggin' your new blog name... it suits you :D
